Weekly Rocket 09/19/18

Weekly Rocket 09/19/18

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From the Desk of the Principal
Dear Students and Parents,
The NAM Fathers Group (NAMFG) will host their annual camping trip on Saturday September 29th and Sunday September 30th. The event will be hosted at Morgan’s Livery in Morrow, OH and will begin at 1 pm on 09/29/18. A community dinner is scheduled for 6 pm that evening, Please bring a covered dish or dessert. Lets hope we have beautiful weather for our outing!!!
I also would like to thank everyone who attended our Open House and our NAMFG-Dad’s and Doughnuts events. We had a tremendous turn out for both gatherings we really appreciate your support.
Mr. Lewis
News & Events
9/20/18 1st Quarter-Parent Teacher Conference Night from 4pm-7pm. (By appointment only, for more information please see the attached flier for additional details)
09/29/18 and 09/30/18 NAMFG Camping Trip!!! Morgan’s Livery Morrow,OH.
Sibling Sign Up
Sibling Sign Up begins on September 4, 2018-October 5, 2018. The office hours for the sign ups are 7:30 am-3:15 pm. Your sibling must reside in the home of the sibling attending NAM and you must be the legal guardian. If you have any questions please contact Anna Ball at 513-363-3902,
6th Grade Graduating Students
This is a reminder notice to all CPS schools that registration for the Walnut Hills High School shadow program will open on our website on October 1st. Shadowing takes place Monday through Thursday on school days in November, January and February. There will be approximately 370 openings, but past experience has proven that they will fill before the end of the day October 1st. You may advise any interested student/parents that shadow registration is only taken electronically through our website at http://www.walnuthillseagles.com under the student section beginning October 1st. All the details are available on the shadow registration website. Once the spots are all taken, there will be a wait list upon request until we meet our limit. No exceptions. The shadow email and voice mail will be monitored a few weeks October through February at walnut@cps-k12.org and 363-8698.
Fall Festival

PTSO is looking for 2-3 coordinators for Fall Festival on October 19. The majority of the work can be done outside of school hours and there is a binder full of information on everything that needs to be done. We can’t pull of these wonderful events without you! Have questions? Interested in helping make this event happen? Please email the PTSO Volunteer Coordinator, Linnae Kendall, at linnae.kendall@gmail.com Please note that we need coordinators in place by Friday, September 14th to have this event.


Time for Creativity, Mindfulness, Movement, and Yoga

An after-school program for K-3rd grade where children can have creative play while adding movement to stories, creating stories, learning mindfulness, and much more. They’ll spend time exploring our world through movement and creativity. (Please see the attached flier for additional details)

Girl Scouts

Kindergarten Daisy Girl Scouts Troop 41742 are seeking more kindergarten girls! Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place! Meetings will be held bimonthly on Wednesdays from 6-7pm in the NAM Cafetorium. For more information or to register, go to gswo.org/join for North Avondale Montessori School, Troop 41742. We also have opportunities for parent/family volunteers! ( Pleas see the attached flier for additional details)
You are welcome to reach out to the Troop Leaders for more information:
Brain Bowl

Meetings will be on Monday’s after school and pick up time will be 3:45pm. The first meeting is scheduled for September 24th. 2018. Only 4th, 5th and 6th grade students are able to join. Parents please reply via email to emilymenendezaponte@gmail.com if you wish to enroll or if you have any interest. Permission slips and any additional information will be sent home with kids and we will have a brief parent meeting at the first practice.
Acting Class
Beginning on October 1st 2018 After-school Acting with a professional actor and acting coach are offering classes for all interested students here at NAM. Students will learn basic acting techniques which include: improvisation, comedy, script analysis, video technique, voice and diction, and stage movement. (Please see the attached flier for details)
Tri-Health Services
The Tri-Health School-based behavioral health program serves the students and staff at NAM through a grant from the Bethesda Foundation. Services provided free of charge include individual and group counseling, consultation, and crisis screening and intervention, With parent/guardian consent, we can collaborate with school personnel to support student functioning. We are currently accepting referrals for group services. (Please see the attached flier for additional details)
Attendance Matters
Please see the attached flier below to see the different ways of how we can help our students understand the importance of being to school on time everyday.

Have a Great Week!!!!!

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